OpenAI’s Bold Move: Custom AI Chips and TSMC Partnership Signal New Era in AI Hardware

Tim - Pryme|AI News Nuggets
4 min readSep 5, 2024


OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, is making waves once again — but this time, it’s not just about software. In a move that’s got the tech world buzzing like a beehive on espresso, OpenAI is diving headfirst into the world of custom AI chips. Hold onto your hats, folks, because this could be a game-changer in the AI arms race!

Picture this: OpenAI, not content with pushing the boundaries of AI software, is now flexing its muscles in the hardware arena. They’re cozying up to TSMC, the chip-making wizard behind Apple’s silicon success, to get their hands on the crème de la crème of chip manufacturing — the new Angstrom A16 process. It’s like OpenAI just walked into a Michelin-star restaurant and ordered the chef’s special that isn’t even on the menu yet!

But wait, there’s more! OpenAI isn’t going solo on this chip-making adventure. They’re bringing in the big guns — Broadcom and Marvell — to help design these AI superchips. It’s like assembling the Avengers of the chip world, but instead of fighting Thanos, they’re battling against AI limitations.

Now, you might be wondering, “Why is OpenAI suddenly interested in making chips? Aren’t they a software company?” Well, dear reader, this move is as strategic as a grandmaster’s chess play. By creating custom AI chips, OpenAI is looking to turbocharge its AI capabilities. It’s like they’re not just content with having a sports car; they want to build their own Formula 1 racer from the ground up!

This chip-making endeavor isn’t just a flight of fancy. Reports suggest that OpenAI could become one of Broadcom’s top four clients. That’s right, they’re playing in the big leagues now, rubbing elbows with tech giants like Google and ByteDance. It’s like the new kid on the block just got invited to sit at the cool kids’ table — and they’re bringing their own snacks!

But here’s where it gets really interesting. Remember when OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, was dreaming about building a global chip-making empire? Well, this TSMC partnership might be the first step in that grand plan. It’s like watching the opening scene of a tech thriller where the protagonist is about to change the world — cue the dramatic music!

Now, let’s talk timeline. Mass production of these AI superchips is projected to kick off in Taiwan by late 2026. That might seem like a long way off, but in the world of cutting-edge chip manufacturing, it’s practically tomorrow. It’s like OpenAI is planting seeds for an AI forest that could reshape the technological landscape in just a few years.

But it’s not all smooth sailing in this chip-making adventure. Earlier plans for a dedicated OpenAI chip factory with TSMC hit a snag when TSMC’s CEO, C.C. Wei, basically told Altman, “Whoa there, cowboy! Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” Apparently, Altman’s vision was a bit too ambitious even for the chip-making titans. It’s a reminder that even in the fast-paced world of AI, some things can’t be rushed — you can’t bake a cake in 5 minutes, no matter how hot your oven is!

So, what does all this mean for the future of AI? Well, buckle up, because we might be in for a wild ride. Custom AI chips could lead to more powerful, efficient, and perhaps even more creative AI systems. It’s like giving a painter not just new colors, but entirely new types of brushes and canvases to work with.

But it also raises some intriguing questions. Will this move spark a new arms race in AI hardware? Could we see a future where every major AI company is designing its own chips? And what about the environmental impact of all this chip manufacturing?

As we marvel at OpenAI’s bold move, let’s not forget the bigger picture. This isn’t just about making faster chips or more powerful AI. It’s about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in technology and, by extension, what’s possible for humanity. It’s about dreaming big and having the audacity to turn those dreams into silicon reality.

So, the next time you chat with an AI or use an AI-powered tool, remember — you might be interacting with the offspring of this ambitious chip-making venture. The future of AI is being etched into silicon as we speak, and OpenAI is holding the chisel.

What do you think? Are custom AI chips the key to unlocking the next level of artificial intelligence? Or is this just another step in the ongoing tech arms race?



Tim - Pryme|AI News Nuggets

A tech-savvy Business Partner and AI-Evangelist driving digital transformation through AI/data-powered solutions in a global logistics enterprise.